
Chargement, veuillez patienter…
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# | type | fichier | ligne | classe | fonction | message |
# 1 | Warning | /www/yzeoc612/www/oktModules/map/inc/ | 553 | oktDebug | errorHandler | Trying to access array offset on value of type null |
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# 2 | Warning | /www/yzeoc612/www/oktModules/map/inc/ | 553 | oktDebug | errorHandler | Trying to access array offset on value of type null |
#0 mapRecordset->getEmbedAddress( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #1 mapRecordset->getScriptSimple( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #2 mapRecordset->getScript( called at [/oktThemes/default/templates/map/item/r-default/template.php:17] #3 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #4 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #5 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #6 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #7 mapController->mapItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:302] #8 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:59] | ||||||
# 3 | Warning | /www/yzeoc612/www/oktModules/map/inc/ | 553 | oktDebug | errorHandler | Trying to access array offset on value of type null |
#0 mapRecordset->getEmbedAddress( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #1 mapRecordset->getScriptSimple( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #2 mapRecordset->getScript( called at [/oktThemes/default/templates/map/insert/r-carte-seule/template.php:31] #3 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #4 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #5 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #6 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45] #7 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra122-s2/templates/layout.php:93] #8 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #9 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #10 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #11 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:116] #12 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #13 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #14 mapController->mapItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:302] #15 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:59] | ||||||
# 4 | Warning | /www/yzeoc612/www/oktModules/map/inc/ | 553 | oktDebug | errorHandler | Trying to access array offset on value of type null |
#0 mapRecordset->getEmbedAddress( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #1 mapRecordset->getScriptSimple( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #2 mapRecordset->getScript( called at [/oktThemes/default/templates/map/insert/r-carte-seule/template.php:31] #3 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #4 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #5 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #6 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45] #7 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra122-s2/templates/layout.php:93] #8 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #9 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #10 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #11 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:116] #12 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #13 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #14 mapController->mapItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:302] #15 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:59] | ||||||
# 5 | Warning | /www/yzeoc612/www/oktThemes/ra122-s2/templates/layout.php | 139 | oktDebug | errorHandler | Undefined variable: list_address |
#0 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #1 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #2 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #3 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:116] #4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #6 mapController->mapItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:302] #7 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:59] | ||||||
# 6 | Warning | /www/yzeoc612/www/oktThemes/ra122-s2/templates/layout.php | 139 | oktDebug | errorHandler | Trying to access array offset on value of type null |
#0 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36] #1 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:105] #2 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #3 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:116] #4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:45] #5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/map/inc/] #6 mapController->mapItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:302] #7 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:59] |
ID | Query | Time |
1 | SET NAMES utf8 |
0.00014 |
2 | SELECT u.*, g.*, o.logged, o.csrf_token, o.prev_url FROM modules_2016_core_users AS u INNER JOIN modules_2016_core_users_groups AS g ON g.group_id=u.group_id LEFT JOIN modules_2016_core_users_online AS o ON o.ident='' WHERE |
0.00064 |
3 | REPLACE INTO modules_2016_core_users_online (user_id, ident, logged, csrf_token, prev_url) VALUES (1,'', 1739961170, 'ded21aef0793e526654eb115b7851fd9ad97a60b', '') |
0.00021 |
4 | UPDATE modules_2016_mod_news SET active = 1 WHERE active = 3 AND NOW() > created_at |
0.00054 |
5 | UPDATE modules_2016_mod_news SET active = 0 WHERE active = 1 AND end_at != "0000-00-00 00:00:00" AND NOW() > end_at |
0.00021 |
6 | SELECT m.*, ml.language, ml.title, ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description, ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM modules_2016_mod_map AS m LEFT JOIN modules_2016_mod_map_locales AS ml ON AND ml.language='fr' WHERE 1 AND ml.language='fr' AND ml.slug='map-contact' AND ORDER BY m.created_at DESC |
0.00192 |
7 | SELECT r.*, rl.*, COUNT( AS num_items FROM modules_2016_mod_galleries AS r LEFT JOIN modules_2016_mod_galleries_locales AS rl ON LEFT JOIN modules_2016_mod_galleries_items AS p ON WHERE 1 AND rl.language='fr' AND GROUP BY ORDER BY nleft asc |
0.00166 |
8 | SELECT m.*, ml.language, ml.title, ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description, ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM modules_2016_mod_map AS m LEFT JOIN modules_2016_mod_map_locales AS ml ON AND ml.language='fr' WHERE 1 AND ml.language='fr' AND ORDER BY m.created_at DESC |
0.00051 |
9 | SELECT, p.user_id, p.category_id,, p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.images, p.files, p.tpl, p.position, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle, pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content, pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords, pl.words, rl.title AS category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, rl.title_tag AS category_title_tag, r.items_tpl AS category_items_tpl, p.recipients_to, p.recipients_cc, p.recipients_bcc, p.from_to, p.captcha, p.conversion_google, p.from_copy, pl.subject FROM modules_2016_mod_pages AS p INNER JOIN modules_2016_mod_pages_locales AS pl ON AND pl.language='fr' LEFT OUTER JOIN modules_2016_mod_pages_categories AS r ON LEFT OUTER JOIN modules_2016_mod_pages_categories_locales AS rl ON AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1 AND pl.language='fr' AND ORDER BY p.created_at DESC |
0.00100 |
10 | SELECT COUNT( AS num_elem FROM modules_2016_mod_map_element AS m WHERE 1 AND m.id_map = 1 AND m.type = "route" AND |
0.00138 |
11 | SELECT,, f.type, f.category, f.ord, f.html_id, f.colonne, f.picto, f.info_personnelle, fl.title, fl.legend, fl.description, fl.value FROM modules_2016_mod_contact_fields f LEFT JOIN modules_2016_mod_contact_fields_locales AS fl ON AND fl.category=f.category WHERE 1 AND>0 AND f.category = "insert" AND fl.language='fr' ORDER BY ord ASC |
0.00071 |
12 | SELECT, p.user_id, p.category_id,, p.selected, p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.end_at, p.images, p.files, p.tpl, p.visit, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle, pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content, pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords, pl.words, u.username, u.lastname, u.firstname, rl.title AS category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, r.items_tpl AS category_items_tpl FROM modules_2016_mod_news AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN modules_2016_core_users AS u ON INNER JOIN modules_2016_mod_news_locales AS pl ON AND pl.language='fr' LEFT OUTER JOIN modules_2016_mod_news_categories AS r ON LEFT OUTER JOIN modules_2016_mod_news_categories_locales AS rl ON AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1 AND pl.language='fr' AND ORDER BY p.selected DESC, p.created_at DESC LIMIT 10 |
0.00068 |
13 | SELECT m.*, ml.language, ml.title, ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description, ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM modules_2016_mod_map AS m LEFT JOIN modules_2016_mod_map_locales AS ml ON AND ml.language='fr' WHERE 1 AND = 2 AND ml.language='fr' AND ORDER BY m.created_at DESC |
0.00047 |